Paeonia 'Goddess of Mt. E Mei" |
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Goddess of Mt. E Mei Tree Peony |
Tree Peony is a woody deciduous shrub native to China. It has exceptionally large flowers bloom in mid spring. The flowersa are 6" to 12" in diameter. It is moderately slow growing that reaches 4-6' in height in a ten year period. Tree Peony requires well-drained loam soil with a ph range of 6.5-7. Plant in part sun to allow flowers to bloom for longer periods (up to 2 weeks). In fall clean up leaves to prevent overwintering of botrytis.
Plant Type
Height Range
Flower Color
Pink, Multi-Colored
Flower Season
Leaf Color
Green, Dark Green
Bark Color
Fruit Color
Fruit Season
Apply a 2-3 inch layer of mulch in planting beds to conserve water, suppress weeds, and protect the soil from compaction and erosion.