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California Native Plants
How to Find and Purchase California Native Plants
You can select California native plants for your garden from the "plant lists" in this software.
Once you have chosen your California native plants, you can see native plants on display by visiting the UCSC Arboretum (http://arboretum.ucsc.edu/visit/garden/california/) or the Cabrillo College Horticulture Center and Botanic Garden (http://www.cabrillo.edu/academics/horticulture/).
You can purchase your native plants through plant sales of the California Native Plant Society http://www.cruzcnps.org/index.html (Santa Cruz County Chapter)
Most local nurseries carry California native plants. While the sponsors of this software cannot recommend any particular nursery, below is a list of those that feature California native plants or have a California native plant section. This list may be incomplete. If you are a local nursery and carry California native plants, please contact your local water agency to be added to this list.
In Santa Cruz County:
Alladin Nursery, Watsonville 2905 Freedom Blvd
Central Coast Wilds, Santa Cruz http://www.centralcoastwilds.com/index.htm
Far West Nursery, Live Oak
Garden Company, West Side Santa Cruz
Gold Rush Nursery, Soquel http://www.goldrushnursery.com/
Hidden Gardens Nursery, Aptos http://www.hiddengardensaptos.com/831-688-7011/Home.html
Native Revival Nursery, Aptos
Royal Oaks Nursery, Watsonville http://www.royaloaksnursery.com/
NewGarden Nursery, Santa Cruz http://www.newgardenlandscaping.com
ProBuild Garden Center, Santa Cruz 235 River Street Phone: (831) 423-0223
Scarborough Garden Center, Scotts Valley http://www.scarboroughgardens.com/
Sierra Azul Nursery, Watsonville
Suncrest Nurseries, Watsonville (Wholesale only) http://www.suncrestnurseries.com/
In Monterey County:
Elkhorn Nursery, Moss Landing http://www.elkhornnursery.com/
Rana Creek Nursery, Carmel Valley (Wholesale only) http://www.ranacreeknursery.com/
Royal Oaks Nursery, Watsonville http://www.royaloaksnursery.com/
In San Mateo County:
Yerba Buena Nursery, Woodside http://www.yerbabuenanursery.com/