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Organize the garden into hydrozones by grouping together plants with similar water needs. The plants in this program have been separated into three water need categories: very low; low; and medium.
Design: Ali Davidson, Landscape Architect An example of hydrozoning
The hydrozone report separates the plants, by the three categories, which have been selected through viewing garden photos and plant searches. The hydrozone report can be found by clicking My List on the Main Menu. To determine the water need for an existing plant go to the Main Menu and click on Plants, then Plants by Name and look up by common or botanical name. While this program has an extensive plant list, it is not a complete list. Consult the Internet, library, plant societies or clubs, and local nurseries for information on plants that are not included.
If plants requiring little or no irrigation are mixed with those requiring a regulated schedule, one or the other is going to suffer. The thrifty plants may drown from over-watering, while the under-watered plants may die of thirst. Grouping plants with similar water needs helps to keep plants healthy and simplifies plant care.