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Water Smart Gardening in Santa Cruz County was created with the help of the many individuals and agencies.  Appreciation for project support is extended to:


City of Santa Cruz Water Department

Aerin Martin


City of Watsonville

Nancy Lockwood

Michael Johnson


Monterey Bay Master Gardeners

Tom Karwin


San Lorenzo Valley Water District

Betsy Herbert, PhD


Scotts Valley Water District

Jessica Perak


Soquel Creek Water District

Vaidehi Campbell

Roy Sikes


Professional assistance:

Tish OReilly of NewGarden Nursery and Landscaping

Sherry Bryan of Ecology Action

Jennifer Slaughter of Santa Cruz County, Department of Environmental Health


Thank you for photography access and information:

Bobby Markowitz of Earthcraft Designs

Nikkos Lynch of Terra Bella Landscaping

Steve McCabe of the UCSC Arboretum

Angie Stuart of the Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County


Software development:

Print Editor: Anne Chilcott, GardenSoft

Principal Photographer and Project Manager: Gerry Kiffe, GardenSoft

Engineering: Mark Chilcott, GardenSoft

Horticultural Editor: Jerry Sortomme, GardenSoft

Graphic Design: Steve Rapp, Rapp Design

The Water Wise Gardening Software was developed by GardenSoft®, creators of PlantMaster and GardenWorks.

For more information regarding GardenSoft®, visit www.gardensoft.com.