Sundial Garden
Silver Sage
Blue Marguerite, Blue Felicia Daisy
Lemon Balm
Iceberg Floribunda Rose
Indian Summer Gloriosa Daisy
Silver Sage

Common name:Silver Sage
Botanical name:Salvia argentea

This biennial will grow 1-4' tall and 1-3' wide. It has gray/green leaves with white flowers that are sometimes tinged yellow or pink and bloom in spring and summer.

Blue Marguerite, Blue Felicia Daisy

Common name:Blue Marguerite, Blue Felicia Daisy
Botanical name:Felicia amelloides

This shrubby perennial has oval leaves that are 1" in length and dark green in color. It produces a variety of bright blue 1 1/4" wide flowers almost continuously, those of which resemble daisies.

Lemon Balm

Common name:Lemon Balm
Botanical name:Melissa officinalis

Lemon Balm's citrus fragrance is a wonderful garden treat and this plant can provide a nice foundation planting and background for more colorful plants. It should be grown in sub or shade with average, well-drained soil to a size of 2'. A versatile herb, it can be used in cooking, teas and skin cleaning. -Holland WIldflower Farm

Iceberg Floribunda Rose

Common name:Iceberg Floribunda Rose
Botanical name:Rosa 'Iceberg'

This is a shrub rose (there are climbing varieties) with an abundance of fragrant, medium sized, white blooms. It is one of the most popular roses and very tough.

Indian Summer Gloriosa Daisy

Common name:Indian Summer Gloriosa Daisy
Botanical name:Rudbeckia hirta 'Indian Summer'

This biennial will grow 3-4' tall and 1 1/2' wide. It has dark green leaves with yellow/gold flowers that bloom in summer and fall.


Sundial Garden

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Incorporate compost 6" into your soil to retain water, reduce compaction, feed earthworms, and provide valuable nutrients to your plants.

Water Saving Tip:

Check your irrigation systems at least once per month (or after each mowing).

Monitor each cycle to identify obvious problems and to confirm that all of the components are functioning properly.

Contact your water agency for assistance.

Integrated Pest Management:

Drip and other smart irrigation delivers water directly to roots, allowing no excess water for weeds.