Topped with Trumpet Vines
Scarlet Trumpet Vine
Coral Bells
Virginia Creeper
Ginkgo Tree, Maidenhair Tree
Hawaiian Heather, False Heather
Scarlet Trumpet Vine

Common name:Scarlet Trumpet Vine
Botanical name:Distictis buccinatoria

This evergreen vine is highlighted by large, blood red, trumpet-shaped flowers with a yellow throat. These flowers will continue to appear throughout the warm months.

Coral Bells

Common name:Coral Bells
Botanical name:Heuchera sanguinea

Tufts of round leaves 2-3" wide with scalloped edges accent this plant. It also produces wiry stems to 24" tall with open clusters of red/pink, bell-shaped flowers.

Virginia Creeper

Common name:Virginia Creeper
Botanical name:Parthenocissus quinquefolia

This deciduous vine will grow to about 20' in length and has dark green, bronzy, toothed leaves that turn dark red in fall.

Ginkgo Tree, Maidenhair Tree

Common name:Ginkgo Tree, Maidenhair Tree
Botanical name:Ginkgo biloba

The Ginko biloba, with its distinct fan-shaped leaves, initially grows with a pyramidal habit, but later becomes wide-spreading. It is generally not bothered by insects or disease.

Hawaiian Heather, False Heather

Common name:Hawaiian Heather, False Heather
Botanical name:Cuphea hyssopifolia

A shrubby dependable evergreen perennial that grows to 2' tall and 4' wide, the False Heather bears small, closely set leaves and tiny rose red flowers. It heaviest bloom period occurs in summer, with some flowers present almost all year. The plant requires part shade to shaded conditions, with average watering. This variety does excellent in containers. Frost tender.


Topped with Trumpet Vines

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Maintain a two to four inch layer of mulch on the soil surface to reduce weeds, infiltrate rain water, and reduce compaction.

Water Saving Tip:

Check your irrigation systems at least once per month (or after each mowing).

Monitor each cycle to identify obvious problems and to confirm that all of the components are functioning properly.

Contact your water agency for assistance.

Integrated Pest Management:

Develop healthy soil for plants that are vigorous and naturally pest-resistant.