Walk Around the Plantings
Orchid or Purple Rockrose
Rainbow Fescue
Alkali Sacaton or Dropseed
Snowdrift Crabapple
California Sycamore
Carolina Laurel Cherry
Howard McMinn Manzanita
Orchid or Purple Rockrose

Common name:Orchid or Purple Rockrose
Botanical name:Cistus X purpureus

Orchid rockrose. Evergreen shrub growing to 4' tall and wide, often shorter in stressful situations. The rosy-crimson flowers to 3" wide exhibit a dark purple blotch at the base of each petal, and bloom early to mid-summer. The flowers also feature a contrasting yellow cluster of stamens in the center. A fine choice for a limiting environment of salt spray and cool winds. Relatively long-lived, tolerant of heat and aridity as well as accepting many soil conditions. -Native Sons Nursery

Rainbow Fescue

Common name:Rainbow Fescue
Botanical name:Festuca amethystima 'Superba'

The rainbow fescue is a hardy fescue with fine blue green foliage that grows 8 in. It has spring flowers that are 12 in. above the foliage . This fescue is a very showy, neat grass for sunny spots during spring and fall. The rainbow fescue is drought tolerant. -Cornflower Farms

Alkali Sacaton or Dropseed

Common name:Alkali Sacaton or Dropseed
Botanical name:Sporobolus airoides

This winter-dormant drought tolerant grass tolerates a variety of soils including alkaline conditions. Pinkish inflorescence in summer. Best in mass plantings.

Snowdrift Crabapple

Common name:Snowdrift Crabapple
Botanical name:Malus 'Snowdrift'

The 'Snowdrift' is a deciduous tree that grows at a moderate rate to a height of 20' and a width of 20'. White flowers open from pink buds, and very small, orange fruits are also apparent.

California Sycamore

Common name:California Sycamore
Botanical name:Platanus racemosa

The California Sycamore is a fast growing deciduous tree that reaches up to 40-50 ft. high. It tolerates heat, smog, and drought conditions as well as moist conditions; it is native to riparian areas. It has interesting mottled bark when the tree is bare in winter.

Carolina Laurel Cherry

Common name:Carolina Laurel Cherry
Botanical name:Prunus caroliniana

This large evergreen shrub or small tree has leaves that are glossy and 2-4" in length. It is excellent as either a formal hedge or an informal screen. It has creamy white flowers late-winter/ spring followed by small black berries. Warning: Poisonous

Howard McMinn Manzanita

Common name:Howard McMinn Manzanita
Botanical name:Arctostaphylos densiflora 'Howard McMinn

This shrub is highly appreciated for its decorative characteristics, which include a dense show of small, pale pink, urn-shaped flowers. Above all, it is the mahogany-red to brown bark (which peels beautifully) that is the major attraction. Its fruit resembles the tike apple, and the flowers contrast perfectly to the light green leaf (which can get rather tough). It blooms from late winter to spring. - Cornflower Farms


Walk Around the Plantings

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Physical weed control, including mulching, or hand removal protects the watershed from harmful chemicals.

Water Saving Tip:

The water needs of plants and lawns change dramatically throughout the year.

Visit the watering guide in the watering tips section for more information.

Integrated Pest Management:

Attract, or buy beneficial insects such as ladybugs and lacewings to control pest outbreaks in your garden.