Common name:Iris 'Canyon Snow'
Botanical name:Iris Pacific Coast Hybrid 'Canyon Snow'
Iris 'Canyon Snow' is a beautifu, white flower with a yellow throat. It is one of the best performing of the hybrid native irises. It tolerates regular garden conditions and does not struggle through the summer. Virtually no mortality issues at all. Very little to no maintenance once established. Like most Irises, the bloom period is fairly short. Best used in mass plantings. Prefers partial to full shade.
Common name:Ligtu Peruvian Lily
Botanical name:Alstroemaria ligtu hybrids
The decidupous rhizomes of this Peruvian lily will often run aggressively if not controlled. They grow best in full to part sun with some summer watering in dry climates. The florist strains can reach 6' tall, while the compact strains range from 12-36" For extra long, florist quality stems, stake or grow through netting for support. -Monterey Bay Nursery
Common name:Japanese Maple
Botanical name:Acer palmatum
This magnificent plant can used as a small tree or shrub. It is deciduous with graceful leaves which have a scarlet color in spring as it leafs out. They turn orange or yellow in fall. It is slow growing to 20', and requires shelter from hot winds. The leaves of this tree are small, light green in color, and deply lobed. It should also be noted that the tree remains spectacular throughout all seasons. Second picture by Steve Mullany.
Common name:Ribbonleaf Purple Japanese Maple
Botanical name:Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum'
This Japanese Maple grows as a small, deciduous tree complete with palmate leaves that turn red and endure for the entire season.
Common name:Western Sword Fern, Alaska Fern
Botanical name:Polystichum munitum
This Fern produces upright fronds, reaching 4-5' tall in moist, cool forests in northern California. This size is usually lower, especially without summer watering. It is great in containers or dry shade landscapes. This species is especially useful to give the illusion of lush, moist gardens where little water is actually being used. It should receive part shade to dense shade. -Monterey Bay Nursery
Common name:Australian Fuchsia
Botanical name:Correa pulchella
A mounding shrub that grows to 3' tall and 6-8' wide, the Correa pulchella exhibits typical dark green foliage with a heavy show of pendant, clear pink flowers in winter and spring. When in bloom, the plant is very showy. With good drainage, the plant is tolerant of most soils. It grows best in sun to part shade, but will tolerate mostly shade if kept on the dry side. -Monterey Bay Nursery
Common name:Island Alum Root
Botanical name:Heuchera maxima
This large leaf native Heuchera from which many hybrids have been derived will reach about 3' tall in bloom and has deep green leaves with white flowers with a touch of pink.
Designer: | Birdbath Surrounded by Diversity |
Photographer: GardenSoft |
Practice grass-cycling by leaving short grass clippings on lawns after mowing, so that nutrients and organic matter are returned to the soil.
Group plants in your garden according to water needs (hydrozone).
Remove irrigation water and fertilizer from areas where you don't want weeds to grow.