Short Low Wall
Japanese anemone
Blue Star Creeper, Isotoma
Dwarf Morning Glory
Japanese anemone

Common name:Japanese anemone
Botanical name:Anemone X hybrida

A plant that flourishes in all zones, the anemone japonica is a long-lived, fibrous-rooked tree which produces great fall color when grown in partial shade. Its graceful, branching stems rise 2-4' out of clumps of dark green, 3-5' hair-covered lobes. The flowers of this plant are semi-double, and appear in either white, silvery-pink, or rose colors. Once established, it spreads rapidly as long as the roots remain undisturbed. Comes in a variety of colors.

Blue Star Creeper, Isotoma

Common name:Blue Star Creeper, Isotoma
Botanical name:Pratia pedunculata

Laurentia fluviatilis has bright green, nearly stemless, 1/4" leaves. In late spring and summer, these form a backdrop for equally tiny, star-shaped pale blue flowers.

Dwarf Morning Glory

Common name:Dwarf Morning Glory
Botanical name:Convolvulus sabatius

Convolvulus sabaticus is a perennial that grows 1'-2' high, with branches that spread to 3' or more. It produces blue to lavender flowers with blooms of 1"-2" wide. The soft, evergreen leaves are 1/2" to 1.5" long.


Short Low Wall

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Maintain a two to four inch layer of mulch on the soil surface to reduce weeds, infiltrate rain water, and reduce compaction.

Water Saving Tip:

Water trees and shrubs by deep-soaking occasionally with low-volume irrigation equipment (drip, micro-sprays, or bubblers) to promote healthy, deep rooting.

Integrated Pest Management:

Drip and other smart irrigation delivers water directly to roots, allowing no excess water for weeds.