Grass Replacement
Kinnikinnick Bearberry
Wheeler's Dwarf Pittosporum
Indian Hawthorne
Pacific Coast Irises
Kinnikinnick Bearberry

Common name:Kinnikinnick Bearberry
Botanical name:Arctostaphylos uva-ursi

A hardy, creeping evergreen shrub, it grows 6-12" high and spreads as much as 10-12'. It has glossy green leathery leaves attached to dark brown branches. Its flowers are white to light pink in late winter and early spring; berries are bright red.

Wheeler's Dwarf Pittosporum

Common name:Wheeler's Dwarf Pittosporum
Botanical name:Pittosporum tobira 'Wheeler's Dwarf'

This handsome dwarf form of the Pittosporum tobira grows into a low, dense mound that is covered with glossy, evergreen foliage.

Indian Hawthorne

Common name:Indian Hawthorne
Botanical name:Rhaphiolepis indica

This small shrub will grow 2' tall and 4' wide. It has small, dark green leaves that get a red tint in the winter and deep pink flowers that bloom fall through spring.

Pacific Coast Irises

Common name:Pacific Coast Irises
Botanical name:Iris Pacific Coast Hybrids

These Irises are 6-18" tall and have clumps of grass-like foliage. The flowers are 3-4" across, good cut flowers, and vary from white, yellow, lavender, purple, blue, and reddish purple.


Grass Replacement

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Incorporate compost 6" into your soil to retain water, reduce compaction, feed earthworms, and provide valuable nutrients to your plants.

Water Saving Tip:

Check your irrigation systems at least once per month (or after each mowing).

Monitor each cycle to identify obvious problems and to confirm that all of the components are functioning properly.

Contact your water agency for assistance.

Integrated Pest Management:

Develop healthy soil for plants that are vigorous and naturally pest-resistant.