View from Parking Lot
Blanket Flower
Leather Leaf Sedge
Brisbane Box
Bearded Iris
Blanket Flower

Common name:Blanket Flower
Botanical name:Gaillardia X grandiflora

Daisylike flowers in warm colors on sturdy stems. Plants form medium-sized clumps. Like full sun, well-drained soil. Tolerates poor soil and drought. Great cut flower.

Leather Leaf Sedge

Common name:Leather Leaf Sedge
Botanical name:Carex buchananii

This orange/bronze ornamental grass/reed is 2-3'H x 1-2' W and does best in full sun to part shade.

Brisbane Box

Common name:Brisbane Box
Botanical name:Lophostemon confertus

This evergreen tree will grow 30-45' tall and 25' wide. It has leathery, glossy dark green leaves and inconspicuous white flowers in summer. The reddish brown, flaky bark resembles Eucalytpus, while the foliage resembles Ficus.

Bearded Iris

Common name:Bearded Iris
Botanical name:Iris Bearded Hybrids

This perennial will grow 1-3' tall and has medium-size blue/green leaves with wonderful flowers that come in a variety of colors.

Designer: Gregory Lewis Landscape Archit

View from Parking Lot

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Physical weed control, including mulching, or hand removal protects the watershed from harmful chemicals.

Water Saving Tip:

Use water saving equipment, e.g. rain or soil-moisture sensors, MP rotator nozzles, weather-based controllers, and low-volume irrigation (drip systems, soaker hoses, and microsprayers).

Integrated Pest Management:

Drip and other smart irrigation delivers water directly to roots, allowing no excess water for weeds.